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General Injury Advice

Ankle Injury

What Is It?

An ankle injury occurs when the ankle joint is twisted too far out of its normal position. Common ankle injuries are sprains (overstretched or torn ligaments), strains (overstretched or torn tendons or muscles), and fractures (broken bones).

Start to walk as normally as possible without causing unnecessary pain (heel hits floor first, then toes; step forwards over foot; then heel leaves floor, then toes leave floor).

Exercises that strengthen your muscles and ligaments and increase your flexibility, balance and coordination, are important as they help you recover faster and prevent further injuries. Preventing re-injury is of utmost importance.

What Can You Expect

Common Symptoms

Pain and/or swelling

Reduced range of movement

Difficulty putting weight on affected leg.


Do This:

Rest, use an ice pack wrapped with towel, and use a compression bandage when necessary. Particularly in the first few days after an injury.

Elevate your leg.

Avoid ‘HARM’ (heat, alcohol, running/sport and massage).

Take pain killers as per doctor's recommendations when necessary.

Try to walk normally and not limp - helps your recovery, even while using crutches.


Squat .

Do low level work only

Returning To Work:

Use work as part of your recovery and gradually resume normal activities.

Talk to your employer about what you can do at work to help you keep active.

Talk to your doctor about what you think you can do at work.

When to seek medical attention urgently.

Any form of fever

- Worsening pain and/or swelling

It is important to note that every injury is unique for an individual person, and the management approach may vary depending on the nature and severity of the injury. Proper injury management requires a personalized and holistic approach to address the specific needs of each individual.

The above information is general in nature and you may need to book a consultation with us to receive specific help.

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